-DJ pinko-
本土Lady DJ 的先驱代表人物
DJ 届的九尾狐
·1996年至今的漫长音乐历程,让pnko无论是在音乐还是专业技术的,领域里都成为了远远超越男性DJ的超级强者,国际著名DJ AKO曾经在观看了pinko的现场后,赞叹不已的称她为DJ届的九尾狐性感的外形和独特的混音技巧,让pinko博得了全世界众多媒体和CLUBER的拥护。
·1996Has long music journey, let pnko in both music and professional technology, the field has become the male DJ super strong, far beyond the international famous DJ AKO once in after watching the scene of pinko, admiration of called her a DJ the nine-tailed fox sexy appearance and unique mixing techniques, let pinko won numerous media and CLUBER embraced around the world
·本土Lady DJ的先驱代表人物,平面模特。媒体《南方都市报》《香港星期五周刊》曾大量报道。以性感的身材,专业的技术,火辣的台风被各派对与音乐节争相邀请作为主打嘉宾。成为中国女子DJ的先行者。同时也成为时尚界的标杆。
·The pioneer of local Lady DJ representative, plane model. The southern metropolis daily media in Hong Kong Friday weekly has a large number of reports. With sexy figure, professional technology, the typhoon was factions of the hot music festival to invite as the main guest. Become the pioneer of Chinese women's DJ. At the same time also become a fashion.
·就如同她所说的那样:I will rock your soul!
·She said little, personality quiet at ordinary times,
·Because she felt in her world all only need to use music to express and convey.
·As she puts it: I will rock your soul!
·作为中国最顶级的DJ女王,Pinko不仅拥有性感,妖艳的百变外形, 她的音乐现场更如同疯狂的龙卷风一般, 快速地席卷着狂热乐迷们的世界。
·Pinko, as China's top DJ queen, not only has a sexy, enchanting changed appearance, her music scene is more like a tornado that crazy, quickly swept the fanatical fans in the world.
Electronic party this weekend
MC SUM(小黑)
·MC SUM超强台风以及感染力十足的个人solo,声音辨识度与音乐的融合性高。亲和力,爆发力足,控场能力优秀的Party mc,专业院校毕业,善于中英文演唱,可完成多元化演出形式
·MC SUM typhoons and appeal very personal solo voice identification and the fusion of music. Affinity, explosive force, excellent Party MC control ability, professional colleges and universities graduates, good at singing in English and Chinese, can accomplish diversified performance forms
·2014-2016Qingdao beer festival, series party hainan area tour guestsForce in
·2014-2016, hainan area tour guests add beer festival party
·2014-2016, tiger beer music Long Bang hainan area special guest host
H CLUB 升级全新电音箱体派对大空间
H CLUB 为您而娱乐
Monday — Sunday / 周一 至 周日
Night 20:30 till late / 晚 20:30 — 日出
专属预定:0769 - 28820198
ADD:GuangFa CBD, HongFu Rd, NanCheng, DongGuan.
创娱文化旗下 南区第一派对空间